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Star Trek: A Night Walk in the Canyon

Come down to explore down the mystical trails of USD's Tecolote Canyon with us! See the stars and stroll through the trees with our group tomorrow night on our no-destination-in-mind night hike*. Feel free to bring your roommates!

Meet us on campus at Mata'yuum Crossroads in the Valley (central building near Valley A, B, and San Buen dorms) at 8pm tomorrow night (Wednesday 9/8). Wear shoes you can walk through dirt in, and consider bringing a jacket and water. 

*Note for non-outdoors-enthusiasts: this is not really a "hike" but there is a short hill to walk down to get into the canyon. We won't be doing anything too strenuous.

Earlier Event: September 4
Baked Bear Ice Cream Run
Later Event: September 16
All Campus Gathering: InterVarsity Kickoff