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Community Hour: Processing Unprecedented Change

We can’t be together, classes have gone online, you may have had to move, and now we are on a statewide lockdown. Dreams, hopes, and plans we had for spring and summer, and possibly even longer into the future have been stolen or altered as a result of the spread of the coronavirus. What do we do in an unprecedented time like this?

We are creating an online space to gather together on Tuesday March 24 from 12-1pm via Zoom to process how this change has affected us individually and communally. Maybe you are feeling strongly or experiencing a lot of loss personally or in your family. Maybe you are panicked, afraid, or anxious about what this means for your academic future or career plans. Maybe you are numbing out or feeling fine, but reality is sinking in. Wherever you find yourself, this space will be for you.

All USD students welcome, graduate and undergraduate, no particular faith background required.

On Tuesday 2/24 at 12:00pm, click the Zoom video meeting link to join:

Earlier Event: March 1
Spring Break 2020